Had a rough night. My shoulder is very reactive to the weather changes and a full night of thunderstorms left me a throbbing mess. I'm not on any heavy pain killers because they knock me on my ass but don't cut much of the pain. Not a fair trade.
...I recognize that the artwork has been pretty ego-centric with self-portrait variations. I can only say that my every consciousness is revolving around trying to recover from my surgery & re-adapt my life for the time being.
I have a four month time table to where I will be released for 'full' functioning. The first week is one of the most challenging phases of the recovery. Overall I'm doing well and am happy with how this series is progressing.
I kinda know how you feel with the weather and thunderstorm -- well, maybe not in the same magnitude and extent. It's usually the cold that cause big pain. I have one fracture on my back and one on my toe caused by being a huge accident prone since I was a kid. I don't know if it would work for you, but I usually put on oil liniments or some menthol-y cream on the painful areas to, at least, decrease the pain.
Glad you're doing well. Keep it up.
sorry you didn't have the best evening - and of COURSE you're going to be doing a ton of self portraits. what else can you think about but yourself at a time like this! heal!
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