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"Unfurled" Oil on Cardboard (17x22) |
I finished this a couple of weeks ago, but am just now getting around to posting it. Like many of my paintings this is a third run at this piece. Interestingly enough, the original basic design remained, which rarely happens. I've gone through some effort in the last few months to standardized pieces that require framing in an effort to defray some costs. I thought I had already trimmed this down to a standard 16x20 size before I got started. As you can see from the dimensions listed, that was not the case. Trimming it now cuts offs some key elements that keep it a balanced piece so, alas, this will require a custom frame for my un-standard size. Aaargh!
I am working on a large piece that I hope to finish over the next couple of weeks. If you are a fan of my Facebook page, Cindy K. Shaw, Artist, you can see a couple of 'in progress' photos.
On a personal note, I am fast approaching six months of unemployment and can see the end of my money from here. I'm taking steps, ugly ones, but steps all the same to get relief from some pieces of the puzzle and have shifted my job search from stop gap to destination. That was a cryptic way of saying I was looking for something locally as a temporary solution before moving west. There is clearly nothing in Florida so I've focused my application efforts on Los Angeles, which is my goal destination. It is a better location for me as an artist and will provide the right location for some new career goals. I've been doing some things of late that has provided a bit of an "aha" for me and owe a debt of gratitude to someone for pulling back the curtains and showing me. Life's little accidents can make for the best discoveries. Now I just need to get my butt to California! ©2010 Cindy K. Shaw All Rights Reserved
You are so talented in many things. Yes the job market makes me feel like I am in the Saharan desert looking for some water to drink. It's so dry. Wish you lots of luck with the West Coast move.
aah.. the image makes me think of Tokyo. Now I haven't been there, really. But it's one of the places I really wanna visit.
" Life's little accidents can make for the best discoveries. " -- You're so right. Just realized this myself recently.
Hope things would work out for you. I wish you all the best in finding your place in Los Angeles. :)
Oh yeah, and I just got around clicking the "Like" button in your page. :)
I don't know why, but for some reason I always thought you were in Texas. I'm so sorry to hear about the job situation. I wish you all the best with your move to LA. I would love to visit there someday. In the mean time, take baby steps and just do what you gotta do. Life has a funny way of always working itself out. Hugs, and best of luck, dear.
I grew up in Texas and reference things from there from time to time. A lot of my FB friends are from high school and college and still live in Texas.
Thanks for the well wishes. I'll get to LA, just don't know when and under what circumstances, but I will get there.
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