
Monday, October 25, 2010

Returning to My Roots

Paint Brush
One of those necessary evils of painting is taking the time to thoroughly clean my brushes from time to time. I liked the way they looked all lined up in the dish drain. Actually my afternoon was spent going through photographs and printing several of them.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I Am

"I Am" Oil on Canvas (40x52)
Just finished!  I've been steadily working on this piece for over a month now. I'll admit that I'm very pleased with the outcome. It's unfortunate that a lot of the small detailing is not visible in a web upload, but you can still see some of it. There are two phrases on the painting: "I Am Not What You Think" and "This is Not What You Think." There are multiple meanings for me in these. I'll let you decide what they mean for you. ©2010 Cindy K. Shaw All rights reserved

Friday, October 15, 2010

Sketchy Connection

As luck would have it one of my blogger buddies, Lynn Chen, approached me a while back about doing a sketch for her. She wanted to launch a product line to help promote her The Actor's Diet food blog.  Needless to say I was flattered to be asked and even more flattered that she wanted to use my drawing.  I highly recommend taking a visit to Lynn's blog. It's a no nonsense approach to healthy balanced eating and an extraordinarily open and honest dialogue about Lynn's past eating disorder battles. It is refreshing to hear someone talk so openly about how events and stresses are known triggers and how she deals with them today. You'll also get a taste of what life is like for a typical actor.   

She is incredibly sweet and damn funny much of the time. Did I mention you should visit her blog? While you are there stop off at her store and buy something. You'll get a little bit of my artwork in the process. 

If that was not enough to confirm her awesomeness, I had a box filled with my favorite cookies from Kizito Cookies delivered to my doorstep.  She remembered I had mentioned them months ago in one of my comments. Such a kind generous gesture.  Big Big Big Thank you to Lynn!! You are fantastic! 
©2010 Cindy K. Shaw All Rights Reserved

Monday, October 04, 2010


"Unfurled" Oil on Cardboard (17x22)
I finished this a couple of weeks ago, but am just now getting around to posting it.  Like many of my paintings this is a third run at this piece. Interestingly enough, the original basic design remained, which rarely happens.  I've gone through some effort in the last few months to standardized pieces that require framing in an effort to defray some costs. I thought I had already trimmed this down to a standard 16x20 size before I got started. As you can see from the dimensions listed, that was not the case.  Trimming it now cuts offs some key elements that keep it a balanced piece so, alas, this will require a custom frame for my un-standard size. Aaargh!