Pastel on Paper (17x23)
This is an image that has been in my head for a couple of days now. I had to complete the piece today mainly because the image is not pleasant to carry with me. I couldn't focus on other works until I released this one. I'll say that things that looked so promising turned out not to be. I'm back in a familiar place and thinking dipping my toe in the water was not such a good idea after all. ©2010 Cindy K. Shaw All rights Reserved
Thank you for dropping by my blog Cindy! I noticed you're a structural engineer, so is my hubby. But I don't think he could create a piece of art nearly as wonderful and unique as yours. You've definitely got natural talent there! I really admire people who can create such beautiful art. Seems the only thing I'm good at it eating ;-) Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
your stuff is so good. i am thinking about taking an art class; there is a studio that just opened up near me. but i am afraid - it is the one art form that i am absolutely awful at (i know, i know, there is no "bad" art but trust me, mine is pretty horrible)
Thanks for the positive comments. You should take the art class. Regardless of what happens with the final product, it may translate in positive ways to your acting. It is all about letting go so that what you are expressing can freely emerge. For the record...I throw a lot of drawings in the trash and many of my paintings are the 2nd, 3rd or even 4th runs on a canvas. Don't let the production of a lot of crap discourage you.
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